
This section of my site explores my education, highlighting the noteworthy classes that underscore my achievements at New Jersey Institute of Technology. I begin by discussing my degree, its specialization, and my GPA. I also delve into four classes that have significantly influenced my skills as an upcoming IT professional!


B.S. in Information Technology

Network and Information Security Specialization
Dec. 2023

GPA: 3.903

  At NJIT, I earned my Bachelor's of Science in Information Technology with a concentration in Network and Information Security Specialization. While my IT interests have always been diverse, I opted for this specialization due to my passion for server administration and comprehension of networks. I believe this degree strikes a balance between hands-on troubleshooting, software expertise, and programming / scripting, aligning more closely with my preferences than a Computer Science degree.

Notable Classes

  Here, I discuss the notable classes that I personally believe shaped invaluable skills during my time at NJIT. The order of mention doesn’t imply importance, as each class has contributed to helping me discover my true interests and refine my education as a tech professional!


IT Capstone Final Project

RWC Logo

  In my last semester, I participated in the mandatory capstone course, engaging in the Real World Connections (RWC) program alongside other students referred to as "Coaches." Each coach could choose a track such as WebDev, Python, GameDev, or Animation to teach to middle school/high school students throughout the semester. I opted for Animation, naming my course 3D Modeling & Animation. The focus was on teaching the fundamental use of 3D and Open-Source software Blender 3D through project-based learning. I decided to teach a modified version of the classic Blender Donut.

RWC Team

My students and I secured 2nd place out of the nine tracks in the RWC program! Working with these kids taught me a lot about the challenges that teachers face daily and how to handle unique situations. Here are some skills I acquired as the class progressed:


Systems Integration

WebDev Logo

  Systems Integration was undeniably one of the most challenging courses during my time at NJIT. The course entailed forming a group of four students tasked with building a full-stack website from scratch. Each team member, including myself, was assigned a specific role—Front End, Back End, Database, and Messaging. Our challenge was to use Ubuntu Server VMs to facilitate communication among these components. The guidelines were minimal, and we had to meet specific milestones throughout the semester.

  By the end of the semester, our group had successfully developed a fully functional dynamic Pokémon website that interacted with an API, allowing users to save custom Pokémon teams to our database. My assigned role was Messaging, focusing on creating the logic for queues and exchanges using RabbitMQ. While primarily collaborating with my Back End team member, I occasionally assisted the Front End and Database team with RabbitMQ intricacies. Here are some skills I picked up as the class progressed:


Intro to Website Development

WebDev Logo

  This class is where I discovered my love for frontend development and design. I took this class in my last semester of my college career as an optional class, and honestly wish I took it earlier. Here, I got to learn about and how to apply the CSS/JS framework Bootstrap, as well as learn how to make my own CSS and HTML. We also made use of GitHub pages, a free way to host static pages with a custom domain. I used this class to create the website you are reading this on. I go into much more detail on this site on my projects page. Here are some skills I picked up as the class progressed:


Ethical Hacking

Kali Linux Logo

  In this course, I gained extensive knowledge about different exploits and their execution. Despite initial hesitation, I had no regrets after delving into the basics of hacking. It opened my eyes to the simplicity yet complexity of the field.The Hollywood portrayal of hacking can easily distort reality. In truth, this class taught me that it can be as simple as running a computer with Kali Linux and utilizing some very useful stock software. The use of VMs allowed us to sandbox various exploits on different Operating Systems, including Windows 7, Ubuntu, and Windows Vista. Surprisingly, it built upon my understanding of Linux right where my previous SysAdmin class left off. Here are some skills I acquired as the class progressed: